Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fresh guacamole recipe

According to Rod and I, nothing beats a bowl of fresh guacamole on a warm day. I've perfected a recipe and decided today that it was time to share the guac love. Enjoy!

Fresh guacamole

2 avocados, slightly soft and green black in colour
1 small tomato chopped small
1/4 diced onion
1 T pureed garlic
2 T finely chopped cilantro
1-3 t finely chopped hot pepper
1 t lemon juice
salt to taste
cumin to taste
Tortilla chips

Remove avocado from skin and coarsely mash in a medium sized bowl. For instructions on how to prepare, check out this YouTube video. Add all other ingredients and mix. If you are not serving your guacamole right away, mix the avocado pits back in and cover the bowl with plastic wrap. The pits prevent the avocado from browning.

Tortilla chips - our favourite tortillas are by far Que Pasa Fresh Organic Corn Tortilla Chips. They are the best and made by a Canadian company out of Richmond, BC. 

Finally - make this snack even better by washing it down with a Bud Light Lime.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Toasted tomato sandwich

Toasted tomato and egg sandwich with fresh cilantro and five-year
Balderson cheddar on good haven bread.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fresh mango cake

This is Evangeline's fresh mango birthday cake. It was made in
Chinatown today for her birthday party.