Saturday, June 26, 2010

Scrambled eggs with bacon, avocado and fresh basil

This is my take on Martha Stewart's eggs with bacon and avocado breakfast. I mixed freshly chopped basil from the herb garden in with the eggs and served it with toasted English muffins with butter. Martha who?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My herb garden

Rod planted me an herb basket that includes chives, oregano, rosemary,
dill and mint (for mojitos!)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

BBQ ribs with French fries and vinegar slaw

Our first dinner on the patio was my finger licking good barbecued ribs, home made vinegar coleslaw and some crispy French fries. After prepping the ribs with a chili powder rub I slow cooked the ribs in the oven on 200 for three hours. Then I coat them in PC Smokin Stampede bbq sauce and heat them on the barbecue using indirect heat. I cooked the French fries on the barbecue too. The coleslaw is a mix of vinegar, sugar, olive oil, celery seed and a tsp of mayo.

Also pictured here is one of the very refreshing mojitos we enjoyed on the patio this afternoon ;)