Sunday, April 11, 2010

Waffles for two? Yes, it can be done

This morning Rod and I wanted some fresh waffles. We got out our new waffle iron (Christmas gift from C&B) and I started the batter recipe. The basic waffle recipe makes 16-20 waffles (the iron makes 4 at a time) so I attempted to cut the recipe in 1/4. It called for 4 eggs so it worked out fine - I just brought it down to 1 egg and quartered the rest. It made enough batter to fill the iron once = 4 perfect fresh waffles.

Always, always, always spray both the top and bottom of the waffle iron with spray oil. Always. Otherwise you have a half baked waffle mess on your hands...


PsycChicMegaWatts said...

Those waffels would go great with some lamb meatballs.

PsycChicMegaWatts said...

ps: everyone enjoyed my "half baked waffle mess". And that only happened one time!!
