Sunday, September 26, 2010

Baked beans please

Rod requested home made baked beans this weekend and since fall has certainly blown into Calgary I took on the challenge. It literally took all weekend to make baked beans! 12 hours of soaking and 18 hours in the slow cooker later, we had baked beans for breakfast on Sunday morning. Here is the recipe, though I had to add 2 cups of water, more molasses, ketchup, some apple sauce and mustard about 10 hours into the slow cooking....

2 bags of white beans
1 cup ketchup
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup molasses
1/2 cup barbecue sauce
1 can crushed pinapple
3 T mustard
1 cup hot water

Rinse beans and pick out bad ones. Boil on stove for 5 minutes. Drain water and then soak overnight. Rinse in the morning and dump in slow cooker. Add remaining ingredients and stir. Set on low and slow cook for 10 hours. Add additional water, ketchup, molasses, water, mustard. Simmer on low for 8 more hours!

1 comment:

Longwood said...

They look like they turne out really good!