Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Julie & Julia - cooking live lobsters

I watched Julie & Julia last night and was inspired to share some live lobster cooking memories. The  secret to any East Coast seafood extravaganza is freshness. Lobster has to be FRESH! Bay of Fundy lobsters are really good because the water is cold and pretty deep so they have hard shells and good salty meat. We cook our lobster in a big pot out in the garage on a propane burner.

Another secret? Don't steam them with the rubber bands on. It leaves the claw meat tasting like rubber. Yuck! Be brave like my Dad and cut off the claw bands before dropping the lobster in the pot.

Christmas 2008 - Bay of Fundy lobster cooked fresh in Dad's garage


May 2008 - Baie de Chaleur lobster caught and cooked by my Mom's uncle in Anse Bleu, NB

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