Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My beef tartare experience

While in Montreal for the LGM 10-year reunion weekend, we had lunch at Thursday's on Rue Crescent. Megs mentioned that her husband JD and his dad dined there quite a bit when they visit Montreal and that JD always gets the beef tartare (also called steak tartare). Well, beef tartare would never be high on my list, especially at a resto that I've never been too. But if JD has repeatedly had it there then I couldn't think of a better place to give it a try. It was actually pretty good. Totally gourmet and I only could eat about two tablespoons, but I am happy I tried it and even happier that I can blog about it ;)


PS: No, I didn't get sick. And yes JD, I found a completely random pic of you on the internet and linked to it.

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