Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Wellington...

So, some of you may have noticed my Facebook status update over the holidays proclaiming that a beef Wellington was in the oven. There are no photos of the said Wellington to share. It did end up tasting pretty good (though a tad over done by my standards), presentation was attrocious however and after a very painful and late meal I decided not to document it. Let's just say that there is a very clear reason that beef Wellington is only served at fancy restaurants and nobody makes it at home. My first attempt at the pastry failed and I had to haul in the big guns (aka Mom) to help me try and salvage it. We ended up throwing the whole mess out and starting again with a tried and true pie crust. The tenderloin itself was challenging to wrap and when I took it out of the oven 40 minutes later it had burst through the pastry on one end. Special thanks to Jon for his help with the portabello paste that was wrapped inside the pastry on top of the meat. That part was really yummy.

Here is Gordon Ramsay showing just how "easy" Wellington can be....

1 comment:

Longwood said...

It was worth the wait!