Monday, August 29, 2011

Grilled veggie stacks

Check these out Jon Watts! Grilled balsamic and goat cheese veggie stacks.
First, grill some sliced peppers, skewered onion, zucchini and portabella mushroom with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Once cooked stack the veggies with thin slices of goat cheese. Return to grill to keep warm and melt cheese. YUM!

That's a tri-tip roast if anyone's wondering. It's one of my fave cuts of meat from  Hoven Farms Beef in the Kingsland Farmer's Market. This hunk of beef marinated for 24 hours in Coca-Cola, pepper, salt and garlic. It turned out amazing!


PsycChicMegaWatts said...

I want one of those veggie stacks so bad. I love everything about them.

PsycChicMegaWatts said...

Wow anything with goat cheese is my new favorite. I may have to try and duplicate that. Nice grilling Natalie.