Saturday, September 10, 2011

Natalie's super scrumptious halibut fish cakes

Rod is out of town this weekend so you know what that means? FISH!!!
(For those who aren't aware, Mr. Henderson is anaphylactically allergic to swimming/scaled fish)

After dropping Rod off at the airport for his direct flight to New York City (yes, he'll be there for 9/11, he has an investment conference to attend), I stopped by one of my favourite seafood markets Blu Seafood and Market to pick up some dinner. After tasting the delicious fish cakes (smoked salmon and halibut) at Ally and Michael's wedding last weekend I was determined to make my own. Boy did I succeed (if I do say so myself!) My fish cakes were amazing! I served them with fresh Taber corn on the cob and home made tartar sauce.

I polished them off with a glass of VOGA pinot grigio, which I have nominated my "drink-alone wine" since I always seem to buy a bottle when Rod is out of town...

Recipe for Natalie's super scrumptious halibut fish cakes:

1/2 lb halibut fillet, poached
3 small new potatoes, leave peel on, boiled
1 egg yolk
1 tsp Miracle Whip
1 small mild hot green hot pepper, finely diced
1 T finely diced white onion
1 tsp Worchestershire sauce
2 tsp pureed garlic

1 egg beaten
bread crumbs
vegetable oil

Boil potatoes and then mash them. Pull poached halibut apart with a fork, mix into mashed potatoes. Mix in egg yolk, Miracle Whip, Worcestershire sauce, green hot pepper, onion, garlic, salt and pepper. Chill for 30 minutes. Form into patties and chill for another 20 minutes. Place beaten egg in one bowl and bread crumbs in another. Heat oil in non-stick frying pan. Dip cakes into egg, then coat in breadcrumbs. Place in hot oil and fry until golden brown, turn in between. Place on paper towel after frying to absorb excess oil. Makes five fish cakes.

Tartar sauce
3 T Miracle Whip
1 t relish
1 t grainy mustard
1 t lime juice
1t barbecue sauce

Mix all ingredients until blended. Serve sparingly on the side of fish cakes.


PsycChicMegaWatts said...

WOW - they look great. We're all about the homemade sauces now too.

Jon makes his own Caesar dressing, strawberry or blueberry vinaigrette, and even a chipotle mayo dipping sauce for sweet potato french fries~

PsycChicMegaWatts said...

That looks like one tasty golden brown fish cake. You'll have to do the same for Rod only with Crab. Once you go home made tartar sauce you don't back.


PsycChicMegaWatts said...

This is my tartar sauce, there are some in the house who cannot think about mustard so this is mustard free.

1 cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon sweet pickle relish
1 tablespoon minced onion
2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
A little squirt of your favorite hot sauce.
salt & pepper

And you have to let it sit for a couple of hours in the fridge for it really to be good.

PsycChicMegaWatts said...

The yellow condiment that shall not be named.
